Ihab Ahmad

Ihab Ahmad, a Lebanese artist born in Beirut, crafts his narrative through vibrant and dynamic art. His family relocated to Cyprus during his childhood to escape the Lebanese civil war, profoundly influencing his artistic journey. From a young age, Ihab used art for self-expression and emotional processing. In his thirties, he pursued painting full-time, earning a degree in Visual Communication Art from the Lebanese University. Ihab’s artwork celebrates life—joyous, uplifting, and energetic. His abstract, contemporary, and pop-art inspired pieces blend natural symbols with patterns and geometric forms in bold, bright colors. He describes his art as a “joyful escape” from his dark childhood, symbolizing optimism and a desire for harmony. “I draw what my imagination carries from childhood: memory and beauty. I hold a message of HOPE in my paintings,” he shared. Symbols like fish, eyes, animals, flowers, and trees are hallmarks of Ihab’s work, carried from his boyhood and finished in a colorful palette. The intensity and freneticism in his works, coupled with thick black outlines, hint at a complex backdrop, reflecting humanity’s frailties and adding depth to his joyful compositions.
