Ouisam Melhem

Ouisam Melhem, a painter and sculptor from Lebanon, masterfully blends contemporary themes with a unique artistic vision. Born on July 24, 1974, Ouisam is an accomplished architect, landscape designer, and artist. His work prominently features five main elements: The Human, The City, The Crown, The Bird, and The Cloud, creating a distinct and evocative style. Ouisam’s exceptional art was showcased at the Peoria Riverfront Museum in the USA from November 30th, 2021, to January 9th, 2022. One of his pieces was officially accepted into the museum's permanent collection, marking a significant milestone in his career. Holding a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and a Master of Arts in Landscape Urbanism, Ouisam has over 15 years of experience as a Senior Architect at Nadim Karam and Hapsitus Architects in Beirut. He has also taught at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts (ALBA), and the Lebanese University. Ouisam explores contemporary themes through sketching and painting, continually pushing the boundaries of his creativity. He believes, “Art is a fantasy, a poetic consilience, a possibility of realizing a utopian vision for the coming future,” encapsulating his pursuit of art as a medium for visionary expression and poetic exploration.