Sarah Addouh

Born in Casablanca in 1993, Sarah Addouh is an architect by training and a pop artist by vocation. Her artistic journey began when her grandmother gifted her a camera, igniting a passion for photography. Initially capturing architectural subjects for her school projects, she soon expanded to landscapes and portraits during her travels. This led her to create vibrant pop collages using elements from her photographs and old family photos, expressing what photography alone could not convey. In 2015, Sarah deepened her photography skills through an internship at a professional studio, mastering various techniques. She has since collaborated with artists and collectives, creating posters, mood boards, and visual supports. Now a young architect, Sarah continues to pursue new projects and collaborations to develop her passion and art. Her discovery of old family photos, some dating back to the 1950s, profoundly influenced her work. She revitalizes these traditional compositions with vibrant colors while preserving their authenticity, creating a timeless narrative through her unique artistic vision.