Scott VanderVoort

Scott VanderVoort, a New York-based artist, delves into themes of beauty, impermanence, and the fine line between art and the mundane. Working in both two and three dimensions, Scott's paintings and sculptures often favor site-specific creations. His art engages viewers in a playful dialogue about how objects, materials, and spaces acquire meaning. VanderVoort’s works, though deceptively simple, reveal the artist's touch and the ever-present influence of nature—a core inspiration since his childhood. His first solo exhibition, "Arrangements" in 2022, introduced a self-developed ‘alphabet’ for visual communication through painted surfaces and hand-carved stones. This fall, his wood sculptures will be showcased in his first European exhibition, "Liminal Space," in Antwerp, Belgium. Scott maintains a thriving practice of private commissions and will soon begin a residency at ArtCake in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. He received a B.A. in Industrial Design from Pratt Institute in 1998 and was a respected professor there for over 20 years. Scott's rigorous exploration of art-making marks a new chapter in his journey, reflecting his passion for enhancing the human experience through art.